Art of the Web (DSGN 234)

Week 12


Wednesday, In Person

  • Zoom link for those who can’t attend in person. We should all be in person today if possible.
  • Today’s notes
  • Review handmade sketches
  • Demos: Interacting with JS Objects, Intro to D3
  • Work on Building on an Interface


  • Building on an Interface/ project is due at the end of today. Please turn it in on Canvas.
  • Complete your Display Data exercise
  • For Monday: Develop two pitches for your Personal Data project. Create a presentation – slides, Figma, or Dropbox Paper – that communicates each idea with words and imagery. Develop a plan on how you’;ll collect the data in a timely way, and begin thinking about how it might get organized and visualized.

Monday, On Zoom


  • For Wednesday: Complete your data visualization activities.
  • For next Monday: Develop two pitches for your Personal Data project. Create a presentation – slides, Figma, or Dropbox Paper – that communicates each idea with words and imagery. Develop a plan on how you’;ll collect the data in a timely way, and begin thinking about how it might get organized and visualized.
  • For end of Wednesday: Complete and submit Building on an Interface